
'25 years of Russian art' ('Dvadtsat' pyat let russkogo iskusstva'

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     bullet point Carol Adlam
     bullet point Robert Russell
     bullet point Alexey Makhrov
     bullet point Postgraduates  
     bullet point Peter Webster
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This text is available in various PDF versions. It is derived from: V.V. Stasov, Selected Works (Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1952 pp. 391-522. (sections on painting, sculpture and architecture). First published in European Bulletin Nov-Dec 1882: Feb, Jun, Oct 1883

Complete version of sections on painting, sculpture and architecture.

Nasha zhivopis' (Our painting) (pp. 391-475)

Nasha skul'ptura (Our sculpture) (pp. 475-499)

Nasha arkhitektura (Our architecture) (pp. 499-522)