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Aims and Outcomes

bullet point Project Homepage
bullet point About the Project
     bullet point Description
     bullet point Aims
     bullet point Acknowledgments

bullet point Research Archive
     bullet point Critics
     bullet point Texts
     bullet point Images
     bullet point Timeline  
     bullet point Bibliographical database
     bullet point Glossary

bullet point Research Material
     bullet point Conferences
     bullet point Associated Research

bullet point Project Team
     bullet point Carol Adlam
     bullet point Robert Russell
     bullet point Alexey Makhrov
     bullet point Postgraduates  
     bullet point Peter Webster
     bullet point Resource Providers

Image details (from Iskra)


Aims of the Project

The project has both scholarly and research-based aims and objectives. As a scholarly research resource, it will disseminate little-known primary material as fully as possible to a wide audience of specialists and non-specialists potentially comprising Russianists, cultural historians, art historians, literary specialists, theoreticians, and others more broadly concerned with the development of the European arts in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

The research aims of the project are to investigate two broad areas: firstly, the emergence of art criticism and art theory as a distinct genre in Russia in the early- to mid-nineteenth century; secondly, to investigate the ways in which the newly-evolved art criticism related to artistic developments in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. The final output of the project will be an electronic archive, hosted by the Humanities Research Institute (HRI) at the University of Sheffield , and deposited at the relevant branch of the Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS). Staged and/or specialised CD-ROM publications may also emerge, as well as more hard-copy publications.

Project outcomes

The project outcomes are envisaged as follows:

(a) An electronic archive comprising:

- English-language translations of theoretical documents from this period; documents in parallel Cyrillic script and/or facsimile versions;
- reproductions of some illustrations;
- a scholarly apparatus, comprising historical, bio-bibliographic information, and a glossary; original research material

(b) Hard-copy publications of original research material undertaken by the Research Fellow and the Directors.

(c) A doctoral thesis on the subject of the development of theatrical design and staging in Russia in the early twentieth-century. Suitable material from this project may also be incorporated into the electronically-published archive at a later stage, with the agreement of the candidate and the Directors.